Jan.18.16. Charity event with Joe D’Amico
Last night, we were on hand to witness a charity event involving our featured sports handicapper Joe D’Amico at the Siena Italian here in Las Vegas. The event was a calendar signing featuring Las Vegas celebrities; the proceeds from calendar sales will benefit The Just One Project [www.thejustoneproject.com]. At the event, Joe encouraged the guests to give generously. For the event video, he spoke passionately of his desire to give back to the community and share the fruits of his labor to help worthy causes. It was amazing to see how responsible, successful people in the sports betting industry could be a force for good in the community.
If interested, you can purchase the benefit calendars from the event organizers’ website at platinumair.tv in the ‘Store’ section.
Aug.28.15. Interview with veteran sports handicapper Joseph D’Amico
0 21274 4Last night was a highlight interview with the master himself, Vegas stalwart and top-rank sports handicapper Joseph D’Amico, at the new Hooters sports bar in Henderson. One of our key objectives for this documentary is to bring you the inside
Aug.20.15. Prolific author and sports historian talks to NPYB
0 7136 1Reno, Nevada–Today we were honored to interview celebrated historian, author and professor emeritus Dr. Richard Davies for our documentary. With 16 books to his credit (author/editor/co-editor), multiple professional awards and countless published articles, Professor Davies is the nation’s foremost historian on
Aug.17.15. Interview with Steven Prentky
0 6436 1Last night, we interviewed Steven Prentky, a long-time professional gambler who moved to Las Vegas in the 1990s to embark on a career in sports gambling. His is a fascinating story of personal discovery–having learned poker at age 8 he